No signs of an explosion in Stockholm


Stockholm gained a lot of international attention on Friday due to rumour about an explosion, but the police has found no signs what so ever of an explosion.

Sometimes an alarm that turns out not to be so serious can cause a great spin on the web and in social media.

The local police received an alarm about a possible explosion in central Stockholm on Friday around noon, someone had also reported about a broken window, and there was talk about a possible gas leak.

When the police arrived to the location they closed down the street, just in case. They searched the local area and saw no signs of any explosions or blasts and went to the apartment with the broken window. But in the apartment everything was ”nice and tidy” the police spokesman Albin Näverberg says, and no signs of explosions or crime. Only the owner of the apartment hanging curtains.

The first alarm about a suspected explosion caused great attention on international media and Twitter, reporting about a ”huge explosion” that ”rocks Stockholm”, but, once again, the police found no signs of explosions.

– Much ado about nothing, said police spokesman Albin Näverberg.

A drill dropped out through the window

During the evening the explosion got an explanation; a man dropped a drill through the window. The window glass broke and the drill hit a tin roof, causing a powerful sound which scared the neighbors who called to police.

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