The canton police i Zürich posted the first ”Tetris-photo”, and a social media trend was born. Watch the Swiss Red Cross ambulance equipment turn into Tetris blocks in the video. Foto: Kantonspolizei Zürich, Switzerland

Swiss police started the ”Tetris-challenge”


The phenomenon #tetrischallenge was started by the canton police in Swiss Zürich on September 1st, a month before it reached the Sea rescue in Uppsala, Sweden.

– It was a spontaneous idea that spread, says Carmen Surber, spokesperson at Zürich canton police.

A police patrol decided to unpack their car and lay out all the equipment on the ground next to the car. The officers decided to lay down next to their gear, and captured the moment with a drone.

– It was just a spur-of-the-moment decision, says Carmen Surber at the Zürich canton police.

The photo was posted on Facebook with the caption: ”If you ever wondered what's inside a police car”.

The police in Netherlands lay out their tools in the challenge started by their Swiss colleagues. Foto: Polititeam Weerjis, Netherlands

The photo went viral

The photo was appreciated by the Swiss Facebook followers, and the press department came up with the idea to challenge others through #tetrischallenge.

Since then the phenomenon has spread around the world, and at the end of September it reached the Sea rescue in Uppsala, Sweden.

This is how the Mexican Red Cross took on the #tetrischallenge in the end of September. Foto: Cruz Roja Mexicana/Red Cross Mexico

Watch the Austrian Red Cross ambulance equipment in Schwaz turn into Tetris blocks in the video above.

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