Agreed terms on how SVT can use Your material


Thank you for wanting to share your images with SVT! When you accept the terms and conditions below, you give us the right to use your material on our website, in our broadcasts, and on social media. You also accept that other media, collaborating with SVT, can use the material – with your name stated, of course. Please read the full terms and conditions below.

Sveriges Television AB, org. no. 556033-4285,” SVT”, and You have agreed the following.

You are the photographer (creator or owner) of the stills and/or the visual images (video), hereinafter referred to as the Material, that SVT would like to use. You have agreed upon and guarantee that SVT can use the Material according to the terms below.

The license you grant to SVT is non-exclusive, which means that you can grant a non-exclusive right for others to use the Material as well. SVT and you have agreed that you do not have the right to receive any payment for your grant of rights according to this agreement.

In what ways can SVT use the Material

You grant SVT the right to make the Material available for the public in all kinds of media now known and in the future unknown, in all territories, in perpetuity. SVT has the right to use the Material “as is” or edit the Material. The Material can be published solitarily or be included in an SVT-production/story.

SVT also has the right to publish the Material on SVT´s social media platforms.

In what ways can SVT let others use the Material

SVT has the right to let others use the Material in the same way SVT can use the Material, under the condition that SVT does not receive any payment for the licensing of the Material to others. Here are some examples of this.

• The Material may be shared with other Swedish media companies within SVT´s project of sharing our live broadcasts in breaking news-situations.

• The Material may be used within the framework of SVT´s international collaborations. SVT has, for example, the right to share the Material with members and sublicensees of the so-called Eurovision News Exchange (that includes broadcast partners in Europe and other parts of the world) where the broadcast partners are given the right to use Material on their platforms, including their social media platforms.


In connection with SVT´s publication of the Material you have the right to receive credit (that is, to be named,) in accordance with good practice, unless you and SVT agree otherwise.

Så arbetar vi

SVT:s nyheter ska stå för saklighet och opartiskhet. Det vi publicerar ska vara sant och relevant. Vid akuta nyhetslägen kan det vara svårt att få alla fakta bekräftade, då ska vi berätta vad vi vet – och inte vet. Läs mer om hur vi arbetar.